
Ring 1 Arie Groenewegen (Netherlands)
Best Champion of Breed Division
2 Best of Breed-divisen.

BEST Arie Groenewegen (Netherlands)
10 place.

Ring 2, Irina Kharchenko (Russia)
Best Champion of Breed Division
Best of Breed- divisen.

Best Irina Kharchenko (Russia)
8 place
3 Best Champion
3 Best Longhair Champion

Ring 4, Darrell Newkirk (USA)
Best Champion of Breed Division
2 Best of Breed-divisen.

Ring 6, Victoria Pohvalina (Russia)
Best Champion of Breed Division.

Ring 6, Victoria Pohvalina (Russia)
Best Champion of Breed Division.

Ring 1, Brodskaya Svitlana, Best of Best 1st Place.

Ring 2, Korotonozhkina Olga, Best of Best 1st Place.

Ring 3, Koretskaya Mariya, Best of Best 1st Place.

Ring 4, Nikolaeva Lydmyla, Best of Best 1st Place.


Best junior(WCF)


Best ring junior (WCF)

Best of Best 2 place

Best of Best junior(WCF) and Best of Best adult(WCF)

Best junior (FIFE)

Best of Best(FIFE)

Best Show persian Cats(FIFE)

10 Best cats of the show2007 — magazine's choice



Best WCA — Liz Watson (USA) — 2 place

Best WCA — Ludmila Oganesyan (Russia) — 7 place

Best WCA — Vicki Abelson (USA) — 8 place

Best of Best WCA — 7 place